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How to Avoid Root Canal Failure

Root canal treatments can be daunting and costly, so it is no wonder that you would want the results of your treatment to last. In this article, we discuss how to avoid root canal failure and how to ensure your recovery goes smoothly.

How to Avoid Root Canal Failure

Root canal therapy has an undeserved reputation for being painful and likely to fail. In reality, if performed by a reliable dentist, root canal treatment does not cause any significant discomfort, has a very high rate of success, and can help save your tooth from extraction. However, to avoid root canal failure, we recommend following several rules while you are recovering after the procedure.

Right After the Procedure

The first 24 hours after the root canal therapy might be the most important in the healing process.

Adhere to a Diet

We advise avoiding eating for several hours after the procedure. Make sure that the numbness in your mouth caused by the anesthetic used for the procedure is completely gone before having a meal. When your mouth is numb, you can not control the bite force and can accidentally damage the newly restored tooth by putting too much pressure on it.
When you do eat, try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth and opt for liquid or soft foods to minimize straining your jaw by chewing too much or with force. This way, you will allow the tissue in the mouth to heal quickly. Examples of liquid and soft diets include:

  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Milk and kefir
  • Mashed potatoes and other vegetables
  • Broth
  • Soup puree
  • Rest Well

Also, take some good rest after and, ideally, before the procedure. It is advisable to have a full night’s sleep and to take time off work on the day of the procedure. Most healing and restoration in our bodies happen when we sleep.

A Week After the Procedure

In general, there are several rules you should follow during the recovery period to ensure that your tooth heals fast and to avoid any potential side effects.

Continue Keeping a Diet

Try to adhere to the soft diet for a week after the root canal treatment. Especially avoid any crunchy, sticky, or hard foods, such as nuts, crackers, croutons, toffee, etc. Also, abstain from very hot and very cold foods and beverages.

Abstain From Nicotine and Alcohol

Both nicotine and alcohol significantly slow down the healing process in our body, so if you want your tooth to recover quickly and successfully, avoid these substances.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Doing sports, walking a lot, or leaning down increases the blood flow and temperature in your body, thus intensifying the pain at the procedure site. It can also lead to bleeding and inflammation. So, take it easy for at least a week and postpone gym visits, running, hikes, and any similar activities.

Use a Salt Water Rinse

Saltwater can prevent inflammation and infection, so rinse your mouth with a warm solution 3 to 4 times a day, preferably after meals.

Pay Special Attention to Your Oral Hygiene

Thorough oral hygiene is vital when it comes to recovery after any dental procedure, including root canal treatment. Make sure that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day. However, be careful and gentle when brushing around the procedure site to avoid irritating or harming the gums. Also, floss your teeth every evening. Regularly removing food residue and bacteria will help prevent inflammation and infection and, thus, root canal failure.

Keep Your Head Alleviated and Use Cold Compressed

To avoid excessive blood flow to the procedure site and to reduce swelling, use a second pillow to alleviate your head when lying down. Also, applying cold compresses for 15 minutes at a time can help reduce the swelling. Remember to take 30-minute breaks between applications.

Use Over-the-counter Painkillers

If you experience pain or discomfort for a couple of days after the procedure, it is normal, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication, such as ibuprofen, should help deal with these feelings well. Remember to follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended dose.

Take the Medication Your Doctor Prescribes

In some cases, your dentist might prescribe antibiotics. Make sure to take the entire course according to your doctor’s recommendations.

Visit Your Doctor Immediately if You Start Feeling Worse

If your pain is too intense, intensifies with time, or does not go away after a week, visit your dentist immediately.

Make an Appointment Today

To get a reliable and long-lasting root canal treatment, choose a highly qualified restorative dentist in Rialto. At Baseline Dental, we use modern methods and materials to ensure our patients’ oral health. We are looking forward to your visit to our dental office.