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How Many Shades Whiter Are Teeth After Whitening?

Professional grade teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental procedures as it instantly enhances the appearance of your smile. Not only does the procedure make the teeth whiter, but it also helps with staining and discoloration. Some patients also report an improvement in their quality of life due to feeling more confident about their smiles. However, before committing to the treatment, many patients want to know how many shades of whiter teeth there are after whitening. In this article, we will answer this question and explain how the procedure works.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening is done by a cosmetic dentist. The procedure usually employs peroxide to bleach the tooth, changing its color and removing both surface and deep stains. Other types of teeth whitening include laser whitening and LED whitening.

Professional teeth whitening can be done at a dental office or using custom-made trays at home. Your doctor will prepare these trays for you, and they must be worn for several days or nights to achieve the desired results. Maintaining this regimen is crucial for seeing results that will provide long-lasting benefits. When doing something, it is always worth it to do it right.

Professional Versus Over-the-counter Teeth Whitening

There are many over-the-counter teeth whitening options in stores that might be tempting because they seem cheaper and faster to use. However, there is actually a big difference between over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening solutions.

First of all, you can expect much more noticeable results from professional whitening compared to over-the-counter solutions because dentists can safely use clinical-strength bleaching agents. These solutions tend to be much more effective in removing stains and lifting up the tint of the teeth compared to at-home solutions. Some over-the-counter solutions do not contain bleach at all and only clean the surface of the tooth from food debris without removing deeper stains.

Secondly, over-the-counter whitening trays are usually mass-produced and meant to approximately fit everyone. This means that they might not fit your teeth perfectly, leaving some spots untreated and leading to uneven results. Dental offices usually offer custom-made trays that ensure complete coverage of the teeth and even results.
Lastly, because a dentist can assess the condition of your teeth prior to whitening and has control over the procedure, permanent enamel damage and other side effects are much less likely to occur.

How Many Shades Whiter Are Teeth After Whitening?

The results of a teeth whitening procedure can depend on several factors, such as the initial condition of the teeth, the amount and severity of staining, and genetics. In some cases, the procedure can make the teeth up to 8 times whiter.

During the initial consultation, your dentist will carefully evaluate the current state of your teeth and your general oral health and determine what results you can realistically expect from a whitening procedure.

Who Can Benefit from Teeth Whitening?

Unfortunately, teeth whitening is not safe for everyone. The condition of your teeth and oral health should be taken into consideration before making a decision about the procedure. Teeth whitening will be most beneficial for people with healthy tooth enamel who have the following concerns:

  • Darkening, spotting, or discoloration of teeth due to aging
  • Yellow spotting on teeth caused by staining foods and smoking

Teeth whitening is moderately beneficial for dealing with the following concerns:

  • Gray or brown staining caused by excessive use of fluoride
  • Brown or gray staining caused by smoking or specific medication intake

You might not be recommended teeth whitening procedures if:

  • You have very sensitive teeth
  • Your enamel is worn out or damaged
  • You have gum or mouth disease
  • You have ongoing tooth decay

Does Teeth Whitening Have Side Effects?

Generally, modern methods of teeth whitening are considered to be safe for your teeth. However, there are several side effects commonly associated with teeth whitening:

  • Temporary increase of teeth sensitivity
  • Temporary mouth and gum irritation

These side effects typically go away within several days after the procedure. However, remember that teeth whitening too often or using at-home whitening kits for a long time can result in permanent damage to your teeth’s enamel. Always consult your dentist before using any whitening solutions, or choose professional-grade teeth whitening.

Make an Appointment Today

If you are looking for professional, safe, and effective teeth whitening, do not hesitate to contact our office today. Our specialist will carefully evaluate the condition of your teeth and offer you the solution that will work for you. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our office.