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Foods to Avoid With Dental Implants

Getting dental implants is a procedure that requires time and finances. Dental implants are great because they help patients eat all sorts of nutritious food again, allowing up to 90% of their natural teeth chewing ability. They especially provide relief to people who switch to implants after having dentures, which provide only 20% of the natural chewing strength. However, even though dental implants are very strong and can sustain a lot of pressure, it is still important to avoid certain life and diet habits if you want them to last. In this article, we will discuss the foods to avoid when using dental implants.

Foods to Avoid With Dental Implants

Getting dental implants is a surgical procedure, and some time needs to be allowed for healing after it. During the procedure, titanium screws are placed in the jawbone. Later, these metal posts will fuse with the bone to provide stable support for the crowns. This process takes time (up to several months) and is crucial for the success of the procedure.

You should have a special diet during this period to promote healing and avoid infection and complications. On top of that, after the healing process is complete, you will need to avoid certain foods to preserve your new dental implants for as long as possible.

Foods to Avoid Immediately After the Procedure

It can prove to be challenging to chew for several days after the procedure. Also, the risk of complications is high at this period of time. For the first 10 to 14 days after the procedure, avoid the following:

  • Hard foods (for example, raw carrots, apples, nuts, and anything that is hard to chew)
  • Crunchy foods (crackers, chips, etc.)
  • Sticky foods (candies like caramel, taffy, etc.)
  • Acidic foods and beverages (juices, soda, citrus, etc.)
  • Hot and cold drinks and foods
  • Spicy foods can irritate the tender tissue after surgery
  • Alcoholic beverages (alcohol slows the healing processes)
  • Carbonated beverages can also irritate the surgery site

Remember that the more you have to move your jaw and the more pressure you have to apply when chewing food, the more it puts the healing at risk.

What to Eat During the Healing Process?

Make sure to eat soft or liquid foods that are nutritious:

  • Yogurts, soft or cream cheese, milk, and other dairy products are sources of calcium and vitamin D for rebuilding the bone structure
  • Mashed potatoes and other vegetables as sources of carbohydrates
  • Cream soups, broths with soft vegetables
  • Scrambled egg omelets for protein that will promote tissue repairing and healing
  • Pâté, ground meat, and tofu are also sources of protein
  • Fish that contains Omega 3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation
  • Smoothies with leafy greens rich in vitamin D, like spinach and kale
  • Bananas and smoothies with fruits as a source of vitamins and minerals (just remember to avoid very acidic fruits)
  • Water and herbal teas for hydration (make sure to get plenty of hydration for faster healing. Extra water intake is also strongly recommended after any procedures involving anesthesia. Some herbal teas are great because they can have a calming and soothing effect. Just remember to avoid very hot and very cold beverages.)

When your mouth begins to heal, slowly and introduce other foods into your diet. After the first 7 to 10 days, you can carefully begin to chew near the implant area.

Do Not Use a Straw

Drinking with a straw creates suction in the mouth and can dislodge the blood clotting that is forming over the implants, which is necessary for healing.

Foods to Avoid with Dental Implants in the Long Term

When your mouth is fully healed, your dental implants will function almost like your natural teeth, helping you effectively chew most of your usual food. Still, you need to take care not to damage or stain them so they last for as long as possible. Here is the list of foods and beverages to avoid with dental implants:

  • Foods and beverages that can stain the implants: berries, juices, drinks, and sweets containing dye, coffee, black tea, red wine, etc. If you consume these foods and beverages, brush your teeth immediately afterward.
  • Very hard and crunchy foods that can damage and crack the implants similarly to your natural teeth (hard nuts, hard candies, popcorn, ice, etc.). Also, avoid foods that require biting down on them with force (for example, if you eat apples, cut them to pieces first).
  • Sticky foods (caramel, taffy)

Make an Appointment Today

If you are ready for getting dental implants or just considering if this procedure is right for you, sign up for a consultation at Baseline Dental. Our dentist will thoroughly assess your situation and offer you the best course of action. We are looking forward to your visit.